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Visitors 1523
Modified 26-Nov-23
Created 13-Feb-17
272 photos

The photos on this site have been taken by myself or what I have scanned from the Wills Works Magazine, Wills Magazine and Wills World paper. A lots of these Photos were loaned to Gerry for his Wills website that was a lot more comprehensive and informative than this one. Hope you enjoy, Keith
The Wild Woodbine Story
I have now put the VHS Video “The Wild Woodbine Story” on YouTube as a lot of people no longer have VHS viewing equipment, to view it type in the full title into the YouTube search. It is about 42 minutes long the first 25 minutes is of the factory followed by the unedited farewell party.
This video was taken by Tony Currey a few weeks before the factory closed back in 1987 and unfortunately Tony died six weeks after the factory closed and I was left with four hours of unedited video and 90 deposits from people who had ordered a copy.
Tony had joined The Town Hall Studios a community group to learn to produce the Wills video so I contacted them to ask if they could put the video together. They said they would but not for a year as they were making a film but if they put a time line on all the video footage would I put all the video shots that I wanted to use in sequence and write down their times. Also I had to write a commentary to go with the video, all this took me some eight weeks.
In 1988 The Town Hall Studios finally produced the video, as the video was shot on VHS in 1987 the picture quality dose not compare with modern standards.
I hope you enjoy seeing again many colleagues past and present. Keith